What I'm reviewing is a tea cleanse called MateFit. I heard about it through my friend, Eliza, and decided to do it with her.
I just went with the 14 day 'Mini Teatox' because I knew I'd be going on vacation and let's face it, I wasn't going to miss out on burgers and pop.
The 'Mini Teatox' on MateFit.me cost me $24.99 (not bad for a two-week cleanse in my opinion)! Use code BETTERME for 10% off! And shipping is cheap, like $2.95! It came to my place within 3 days.
You can also buy these super cute to-go bottles for your tea, but I didn't want to spend the extra $10 (I'm cheap), so I used a small blender bottle that I had at home and it worked great. And if you don't need anything for on-the-go, a mug is perfect!
The 'Mini Teatox' comes with two packs of loose tea and 40 filter bags to steep your tea. One of the packs of loose tea is called 'Metabolic Boost'. You take this 15-30 mins before breakfast and 15-30 mins before lunch every single day. The other pack is 'Detox' which you take after dinner every other day.
The taste - If you like Yerba Mate tea, you'll like this one! I loved the flavor, but many people online and many people I know who also tried the tea aren't big fans (of the 'Detox' especially). But grab a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey and that should take care of it!
The results - I'll be honest, I was pretty skeptical about this cleanse. I usually think stuff like this is a big crock, and I was pretty surprised that this actually worked for me. I noticed results mostly around my mid-section, although this cleanse was merely for me to detoxify since I'd been eating really unhealthy for some time. But I also try and keep in mind that I ate very healthy during this detox, so my results were likely from that as a factor as well.
Bloating - The 'Metabolic Boost' I found really helpful with bloating. I didn't feel bloated nearly as often as I do after eating most meals.
Detox - This 'Detox' didn't give me as many problems *on the toilet* like most detoxes do, and that was nice for a change.
Hassle - In all honestly, this whole thing was a HUGE hassle. I have a job with a half hour lunch, and drinking the tea 15 mins before a meal was almost impossible for me with my hours and my short lunch break.
Vagueness - I wish that there was more direction on the MateFit website. They tell you when to drink the tea and not to drink alcohol during the 'Teatox' period, but it would be nice to have more direction on what to eat and what to avoid while doing this cleanse to see the best results.
Teeth - Drinking tea 2-3 times a day for 14 days really affected my teeth. Although I use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash, I felt like drinking so much tea so often caused my teeth to yellow, which isn't a good feeling!
To sum things up, I would give MateFit a 3/5 stars. While I found it pretty effective, maintaining the schedule it required while not knowing how to treat my diet and exercise during was kind of frustrating! Even through the results, I would prefer to do a cleanse that is more about diet than tea (I also felt like I'd never touch tea again at the end of 14 days).
Here are my physical results...
I definitely saw the biggest difference around my waist and hips.
I hope this review (although long overdue) has been helpful!
Do you guys have any cleanses or detoxes that you rant and rave about? I'd love to hear your success stories or any feedback you have!