Saturday, July 25, 2015

Cloudy skies

Overcast today in Seattle, and the ground is feeling wet from the rain yesterday. It's my day off, so I decided to do some serious blog prepping for this week. I have posts prepared that I'm really excited to share with you guys this week!

Started my morning by sleeping in (much needed), and steeping my MateFit tea for my 14-day teatox that I just started. I'll be reviewing this with before and after pictures when I'm done!

After that, I had some fresh fruit and oatmeal for breakfast, and stuck my nose into Wild for most of the morning. Inspiration hit me when I read the following sentence, "I would be a writer who lived in New York City. I would walk around wearing cool boots and an adorable knitted hat" (35). I set my book down on the couch, and started rummaging through my closet. I put together outfit after outfit, and set out all my makeup goodies. I thought through each look, and started getting dressed. I took hundreds of pictures, and found an adorable new area to pose for my fashion posts, and I can't wait to reveal tomorrow night! I work through the perfect afternoon and evening light for pictures most days, I was glad I got to prep everything for the coming week today. The rest of the day will be spent editing!

Beyond the brainstorming and playing dress-up today, I was feeling inspired by this weather. It's perfect outside. It's warm, cloud-covered, the ground is slightly damp, the perfect mixture of fall and summer feelings wrapped into one day. All I could think was tea, baggy sweater, and shorts, so that's exactly what I did...

I walked outside first thing in my pajama shorts and over-sized sweater, with a cup of warm tea in my hands. I felt the coolness on my legs, and the warmth of the tea cupped in my hands. 

I ran inside and put on a cozy casual outfit, and set my camera up to get started.

Sweater - Kimchi Blue UO (no longer available)
Shorts - H&M LOGO (light color no longer available)
Tank - Maurices
Bandeau - American Eagle (no longer available)
Mug -World Market

I hope you guys enjoyed this cozy casual look! Are you feeling this cloudy day inspiration too?


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