Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Brainy Breakfast

Everyone always talks about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And no one wants to wake up an extra half hour before school starts to prepare themselves a full-on breakfast. So, usually breakfast consists of a banana or a granola bar to go. But preparing your breakfast the night before or taking ten minutes in the morning to make a small meal might be the best decision you can make during the day. Easier said than done, I know! So here is a simple, 5 minute, incredibly healthy breakfast you can even take to go.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it has to be healthy. A healthy breakfast provides more focus and concentration during the day, which is essential for students especially. It is also key for athletes because it increases strength and endurance. It lowers cholesterol levels too. All these benefits from such an easy and quick morning routine!

What you'll need:

1/2 cup prepared oats, any kind
1 banana
1/2 apple
3 tsp chia seed (or hemp seed)
1 tsp-2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp brown sugar
Sprinkle of coconut (optional)


1. Slice your banana and cut your 1/2 apple.

2. Place your fruit, chia seed, sugar, and cinnamon in a bowl with the oatmeal. Sprinkle coconut over the top.

This will take you under 5 minutes in the morning, and you can place it in a tupperware to go if you're in a rush! I'll admit, I hate oatmeal. I've always wanted to like it, but the texture and flavor just gives me the heeby jeebies for some reason. Me posting this recipe means it really is worth a try! I like it because the apple gives it the perfect crunch!

Oatmeal has several benefits. It reduces the likeliness of Type 2 Diabetes and high blood pressure because it is a whole grain. It lowers cholesterol and provides Vitamin B, Iron, and Magnesium.

Bananas are what is known as a 'resistant starch', meaning that they are a healthy carb that makes you feel full, holding your appetite for longer. The greener the banana the better! It also provides Potassium and helps with blood pressure and hypertension.

Apples are an immune system booster because of the Vitamin C they provide. They are a filling snack because of their decent amount of calories, and they help satisfy a sweet tooth too!

The biggest bonus to this healthy breakfast: chia seeds. They don't have flavor, so you can add them to anything, they're great in yogurt with granola! Even though they are expensive, they are worth it I promise! Chia seeds provide Omega-3 fatty acids, which most people don't get nearly enough of, and if they do it is in the form of a pill. They also provide protein. They'll keep you feeling full longer because they expand to a size much larger once they've been ingested. They've been shown to increase energy levels in the mornings, speeding up the metabolism, and lowering cholesterol. There's a reason it is known as the 'superseed'!

Let me know what you think if you get a chance to try this healthy and balanced breakfast! With a side of juice or almond milk, it is the perfect breakfast! Do you have any brainy breakfasts you'd be willing to share with me? I'm one of those breakfast-haters, so I'd love some ideas! xoxo