Sunday, January 10, 2016

From the heart

Happy Sunday, beautiful people. I love Sundays. When I'm off, I come home, have a quick nap, and spend the night with Jason relaxing, having dinner in with a movie and a hot cup of tea. Sundays are like the ultimate relaxation day. Since I'm off for a couple of days, I finally have some time to mess around with my camcorder, learn its features, and figure out what to video first! I'm going to start trying to learn more about it tonight, and I promise I'll have something by Tuesday night at the latest, but likely by tomorrow night.

This post is going to be a little different from my usual posts. I want to share one of my Christmas goodies with you guys, and talk a little bit about the new addition of videos on the blog. I promise this is the most random my posts will ever get!

As every year, my parents, Jason, and Jason's parents totally spoiled me on Christmas. But, I also received one of the most thoughtful gifts I could have ever asked for, from my beautiful mama. She knows how much I've changed my blogging style over the past year (I can't believe it's been a year now), how I've changed the themes, the name, but how one thing that has never changed is how much I love it, and what a fantastic outlet it has been for me. So, she took the time to go to a pottery painting place and paint a mug (since I'm constantly drinking tea), and personalize it with the name of the blog. I could not have been happier when I opened it. There was so much thought and creativity put into it. She painted everything on it. I wish I was as creative and artistic as she is. When I saw the mug from the front, I thought it was bought from a store because of how perfectly she painted it.

A kissy face on the front, a heart tea bag on the inside of the red speckled paint inside, a striped handle, and the name on the front with a tea bag tab that says "MOM". I really wanted to share this with you guys because of how special of a gift it was. Straight from the heart.

Okay, I'll stop being so cheesy now! Since I'm going to start vlogging, I plan on having a video with almost every post. Obviously, when I do my weekly fashion posts, there won't be a talk-through video with it. But, when I do reviews, favorites, DIYS, I hope to include videos whenever I can. I also want to find ways to tailor some of the videos to my life and what I like to do. For example, what my kind of a relaxation night looks like, what my current skincare routine is, hauls etc. I wanted to address this with you guys hoping that you'd be willing to chime in. There's nothing I would love more than to have you all comment below and tell me what you'd like to see me put up on youtube and the blog whether it's stuff I've done before, or something completely new.

On that note, I've downloaded some free video editing software with hopes that I can watch some tutorials and train myself to edit. Anything would be an upgrade from what I know how to do now!

Regarding my "New year, new traditions" post at the beginning of January, and the kinds of posts I'm going to be doing every week and every month, I've decided that my favorites (both beauty and non-beauty) are going to appear at the end of every month, so that I can share with you guys what I have loved throughout the month featured (i.e. January favorites will include my favorites from the entire month of January).

Alrighty, now you have the floor. Thanks for sticking through such a random post. What would you like to see me video or post this month? Are there any suggestions or comments as far as vlogging, video editing, or blogging in general that you have? Have you been liking or disliking some of the more beauty geared posts lately? What else would you like to see? I hope to see you comment below or shoot me an email at if you want to talk to me privately. Can't wait to hear from you! Happy Sunday!