Thursday, September 3, 2015

Bold brows

Maybe it's just me, but there are some celebrities that I would just like to pluck pieces off and keep for my own. Blake Lively's perfect hair, Rachel McAdams' adorable-ness, and basically everything that is Emma Watson. But best of all - Lily Collins and her insanely good eyebrows. I mean, come on, it isn't even fair. Look at this chick.

They're dark, full, and freaking perfect. Basically, Lily Collins, I want to steal your eyebrows. So, I decided I'd do what I could with mine to make them bold and full, since I can't have hers.

What you'll need:

Angle brush
Matte eyeshadow (your hair color)
A towel


1. Wisely choose your matte eyeshadow! And make sure it's matte! You want this color to look natural blended in with your brows. Mine was a matte brown from a Clinique palette called "chocolate chip".

2. Very lightly dip the angle brush into the matte shadow. You don't need much, and its better to start with too little than too much!

3. Start anywhere on your brow, slowly blending and filling in any sparse areas within your brow. Spots to be very careful at are the inner corner of your brow, the outer corner, and underneath. Always brush the way that your hair grows - go with the grain as they say. And take your time! Time is always a virtue when it comes to makeup and applying product. You can apply as little or as much as you want, but I tend to go a little lighter just to keep them looking nice and natural. You are in control of how bold you want to go! When you're done applying, take a dry towel or cloth and rub your eyebrow, to remove any loose powder that may be hanging around. Use your finger to correct any stray brow hairs (mine go mad scientist on me after this).

Turn your volume up, there's music! :)

4. Put on a cute outfit and show off your bold brows!

I've always had very bushy, big eyebrows, and I used to hate them. I've had to learn to love them (even though I have to pluck once every few days otherwise a hefty forest grows between my eyes). Seeing Lily Collins rock her gorgeous dark brows made me want to do the same! 

I love the look of a matte shadow versus a pencil because I think it tends to look a lot more natural. Do you have any brow product favorites?

1. I think I'm Ready - Katy Perry
2. Lost in my Mind - The Head and the Heart


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