Sunday, June 12, 2016


I hope you guys are having a lovely weekend. To those who just finished their quarter - CONGRATS and happy summer! To those that just graduated - CONGRATS you've officially made it! Today I wanted to do a post on my non-beauty favorites from the month of May, I know it's a little late, sorry about that. Let's go ahead and get into it because there was a lot this month that I really want to share with you guys.

I'm one of those people who can watch movies time and time again and just never get sick of them! Jason and I have a ridiculous collection of movies we've seen millions of times and continue to watch. A more recent love of mine has been Age of Adaline, I'm a sucker for romance movies. Blake Lively portrays her character perfectly in this movie, it kills me every time I see it. She plays a woman that is not affected by time, so she's well over 80 years old in the body of a 29 year old woman. She plays her character with such poise. But, the narrator in the movie drives me freaking CRAZY.

Game of Thrones came back on right before May began, and Jason and I have been watching every single episode on Sunday nights. There was an episode a few weeks ago that was just incredible, but I won't give anything away, don't worry ;) This show just sucks me in every single season, I'm never disappointed. I really want to read the books over the summer! Have you read them?

One of my favorite clothing items this month has been the Madewell Mira Flat. I've had these for a long time, and have raved about them on the blog before. I never really wear these because they are probably the nicest pair of shoes I own, I call them my "interviewing shoes" and I save them for really special or important occasions. I had several presentations for school this month, so I really got to put them to use, and I'm so glad I did, because they are just so dang classy and gorgeous.

The second clothing item I've been loving this month is this olive green cardigan from Target, part of the Mossimo Supply Co. section of the store. It's super light, so it will transfer through to summer which I think is awesome! This olive green is my go-to color because I find it super flattering on my skin tone. I love that this sweater is really large and covers my bum, but it still has enough shape that my body doesn't get lost in it. I wore it to Jason's UW Graduation yesterday.

The song Fade by Adventure Club feat. Zak Waters has been one I listened to the past month on my way to campus every morning (not quite sure how I'm not sick of it by now). I love almost all Adventure Club songs, but this one really just made me want to sing and dance every time I heard it, it was kind of my "wake me up" song every morning while I walked to campus with a cup of coffee in hand.

I had a weird liking for cranberry juice this past month. I can't remember before this the last time I drank cranberry juice, probably years ago! I just found it super refreshing to have a glass before bed or right when I woke up with my breakfast, ice cold.

This month my mom handed down to me this bag of El Camino Real Bakery Organic Simply Clusters. They are like little baby fruit, nut, and seed muffins. These were such a savior for me to take a few to campus on the mornings that I had really early class. They are super hearty, and they have good ingredients in them. You can find the big bag like this at Costco!

I finally got the chance to start The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, a book people have been raving about for what feels like ages. It's set in 1893 at the World's Fair, and zooms in on two characters, an architect and a serial killer. I won't tell you anything else in case you want to read it for yourself! It's a good read, but one you need to stay very focused on in my opinion, you don't want to tune out and miss any of it.

My first favorite object of May is this awesome artwork by Eli Wolff, that I found with my friend Aubrey down at the UW street fair in Seattle. He had some really cool stuff, I'll link his site here in case you guys want to check it out. If you didn't know, I have a serious obsession with sloths, so I just about died when I saw this. It's up in my apartment now, but the plastic is still around it because it's so perfect that I can't imagine it getting ruined.

This one probably should've gone in my beauty favorites for May, but I forgot, so it gets to be featured in this one instead. I am really not a perfume person whatsoever, but when I saw this as a Sephora 100 point perk I thought I may as well give it a try since they didn't really have anything else good, and I am so glad I did! This stuff smells incredible. It has a kind of perfumey smell, which I don't usually like, but it's followed with notes of zest and citrus and it smells so refreshing and clean.

My last favorite has been Jason moving back. It didn't happen until June, so it's probably cheating to include this one, but it's been such a huge piece of my life that I felt like it would be ridiculous to leave it out. Having Jason back here has been so exciting for me, waking up next to him again, and having my best friend with me again. It feels like a hole is finally filled, and it's by far my favorite thing for the month.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Make sure to comment down below with your non-beauty favorites from the month!

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