Thursday, July 9, 2015

Summer sandals

Do you get to that point when you still think items in your closet are cute, but you're just downright sick of them? Worn them too much and can't wear them anymore? Well. instead of consigning or trashing, you can revamp! I've seen some great ideas on Pinterest for revamping old flip-flops into a cute, scarf-wrapped sandal, and decided to actually do something I saw on Pinterest for once! Thanks for the idea, Julie Bromet <3

What you'll need:

An old scarf or some lightweight scarf-like fabric from the fabric store
Fabric measuring tape
Flip-flops you want to freshen up
Hot glue gun


1. Gather your supplies! Here is the scarf I chose and the flip-flops I wanted to revamp!

2. Cut two strips out of your scarf. Of course the length and width depend on your flip-flop size and what kind of style you want to wrap your sandal with. My sandals are a size 9 and I cut two strips 30" long and 6" wide. One strip for each side of the sandal.

3. Whether you start on the strap nearer the heel or the toe of your shoe, dab some hot glue on the end and stick the end of your scarf on this portion to hold it in place. You can hot glue along the whole strap of the sandal too, but I didn't do this because I liked the idea of being able to adjust and move the fabric as needed afterward. Now start wrapping!

It will look something like this ~

4. Once you finish wrapping one side, hot glue at the other end to hold the fabric down, and start the other side of your flip-flop.

5. Dab hot glue on any of the fringed sections that need to be held down. And voila! Simple as that!

6. If you want to go a step further, don't hot glue the straps near the heel of your flip-flop, and leave extra scarf fabric hanging off. You can use this to wrap under your heel and tie around your ankle! Here's an example from Pinterest below!

What do you guys think of this simple summer DIY? Are you going to revamp some of your old flip-flops? I'd love to see them if you do, along with any summer DIY ideas you have! 
