Monday, October 19, 2015

Beautyblender review

Hello, beauties! I haven't done reviews in awhile and I really want to get back into it. I repurchased my Birchbox subscription ($10 a month and a breadth of beauty samples, why not!) so I can review those once a month and I'm stoked about it! I also got a few new beauty products recently, a couple really popular things, and a couple under the radar, and reviews will definitely be posted soon (once I learn how to use everything, hehe).

My most recent purchase was a few beauty products from the Birchbox website. Honestly, I love their site so much words can't even explain. They always have deals (especially for members), they always have freebies with purchase, and Birchbox lovers are always reviewing things they love and don't love, so trying to choose products is super easy with all the feedback! They also do free shipping $35+ most of the time, and $50+ if not. The customer service is really great and the amount of products they have is just overwhelmingly amazing. Here are the three things I purchased, and I'll be reviewing all three in the next couple weeks, but today I want to talk about this little adorable pink spongy thing - what everyone is freaking out about - Beautyblender.

Coastal Scents Revealed 2 Palette
Marcelle Xtension Plus Mascara
BeautyBlender (YUS!)

I'm cheap and had a hard enough time buying this thing already, so I skipped the spendy cleanser in hope that I might be able to find a DIY to clean it. I also bought this feeling pretty cynical. "Everyone is freaking out about this stupid pink sponge and I have a $5 makeup brush at home that I'm perfectly happy with, this is going to be a waste of my money, but DO IT FOR THE BLOG" - that was my attitude when I clicked place order. I have officially changed my mind. This little pink sponge is my new best friend. And I want to keep it forever. And I want to tell everyone to buy one. And I want to make sure every girl has one in their makeup collection. And now, I'm one of those girls freaking out about it.


1. It's totally teeny and travel-sized / portable! If you get one, you're going to want to take it places with you, and the good news is that you can. It's small and comes with a cute little package (KEEP IT). And it's a freaking sponge guys, so you can squeeze it in your makeup bag and it'll survive the trip.

2. It's easy to use. I was freaking out that makeup artists that I've watched YouTube videos of must magically know a trick with the sponge to make their makeup look flawless and smooth after they use this, or editing software or something Houdini-like, but it's totally not like that! They give you instructions in the cute packaging it comes with (dampen the sponge before use, towel dry quickly, and stipple it), and it's very self explanatory. Luckily, if that doesn't do it for you, there's a million places to search it on our good friend, Google.

First, you dampen the sponge, then towel-dry.

Apply liquid foundation with stamping motions.

Apply concealer to dark spots and under-eyes with similar motions.

3. It makes your makeup look smoother. The hard thing about using liquid makeup brushes or your fingers is that (i) it isn't easily spreadable, (ii) makeup is easily applied unevenly, and (iii) it's easy to make your makeup look thick, cakey, and unnatural. With the beautyblender, since you're applying the foundation with small stamping motions all over your face, it is easy to spread around, evenly apply, and spread a small amount to cover your face in a thin, natural layer.

Here is my skin after using liquid foundation, liquid concealer, and cream blush with the beautyblender. (No I'm not this tan, my bathroom lighting is just awk).

And here is my skin after using the blender and following up with the rest of my makeup!

4. It makes your makeup feel light. The great thing about this sponge is that it makes your makeup go a long way and spread further. It also doesn't cake up on your face, so it feels like a thin layer of makeup, which is so much better than using a your fingers to spread liquid foundation all over your face.

5. It's reasonably priced. It seems expensive when you're buying it, $20 for a sponge, but if you take care of it, clean it, love it, this thing will probably last forever! The quality of it is actually amazing. And there are a lot of value packs out there for getting two sponges with cleanser for a lower price, like this one.


1. The cleaning is rough. I think I'll be purchasing the beautyblender sponge cleanser pretty soon. I've tried facial soap, hand soap, cleansing soap, and while the sponge releases some foundation, the color stains and the color never stops draining in the sink until I just give up. I'm not sure what's in the fancy cleanser, but the reviews are incredible, so maybe I'll just have to make it another DO IT FOR THE BLOG purchase ;)

After cleaning, dry your blender upright in its packaging.

Overall, I love the blender! I definitely won't be going back to using my liquid foundation brush, and I'll be recommending the blender to anyone who asks. It's definitely worth the money! 

Have any of you tried the beautyblender or any new makeup products you love? I would love to hear your favorites / reviews. Are you guys excited to see more reviews on the blog, or is there something else you'd like to see? Comment below or email me at because your feedback means the world to me <3

More reviews coming soon!

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