Monday, January 4, 2016

Birchbox upcycle: DIY lipstick holder

Happy Monday! Worst day of the week. Am I right? Let's make it a little more crafty and fun! New Years resolutions are made, and a majority of people are trying to eat healthy and save money. There's something I've been wanting for a long time, and it isn't expensive or outrageous, it's just a clear, acrylic makeup organizer. Pretty simple, $20 max, and easy to order on Amazon. BUT, money saving doesn't matter if it's $20 or $200, you just don't spend it, right? There's always stuff lying around our houses that we could use for something. For me, I have a million Birchbox boxes lying around. They're so dang cute that I just can't part with them, so I thought I could put them to use. A nifty lil DIY lipstick holder!

What you'll need:

2 Birchboxes (or other cardboard material)
Hot glue gun
Your lippie collection
Your creative skills

How to build it:

1. Gather your supplies. I used one whole Birchbox, plus the bottom of another Birchbox.

2. Cut the corners of the long end of the top Birchbox box. Cut this piece off of the box along the folded line.

3. Cut your ends as needed so that they fit long ways in the box. Test to make sure they will fit by sliding them in. They should be snug, but they shouldn't push out the sides of the box at all. Ideally, they will glide right in and stay put if they are the right size.

4. Cut about five of these strips, or however many you need to accommodate your lipstick size.

5. Place hot glue on the short ends of these strips, and hold theme where they need to be placed inside your box. Hold for about 10 seconds, until the hot glue dries them into place.

6. Use your next box to create a lip liner holder, if needed. Cut it to the size needed, with 2 wide strips (I made mine much taller than my lipstick strips to keep them upright), and 2 very narrow strips to make 4 walls to hold them in. Glue these to into a lipstick holder row, wherever you want yours to be. I tucked mine into the back left.

7. Put all your lippies in! YAY! ORGANIZATION!

How do you upcycle your Birchboxes? Are you guys going make this nifty little lipstick holder? If you do, I'd love to see how you make yours and if you make some cool variations to yours!

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