Monday, January 11, 2016

Too Faced Cosmetics haul

Hello, beautiful people! I'm sitting here typing this blog post up, very impatiently waiting for my first vlog to upload to youtube (update: currently at 11%, and not moving quickly, ugh). I filmed a couple times today before finally reaching one that I liked. I finally let loose and realized that I needed to just be the goober that I am instead of try and be a serious beauty professional, because I'm just not! I'm so excited about the vlog that is going up today because I'm talking to you guys about one of my favorite makeup brands, Too Faced.

I'm calling this post a "haul", but it isn't really a haul. I know, betraying your trust. I'm sorry. But, all of these items I've purchased over a period of time, some newer, some I've had for a long time. They are all products that I absolutely love, and that I have been dying to share with you guys, but wanted to wait until I could do a video live swatching all of the shadows, the bronzer, and the lippie that I love so much. I also wanted to wait to try these products so that I could give you guys my honest opinions instead of showing you something that I just bought and hadn't tried.

Let's talk about Too Faced really quickly before I share the products with you guys. They are an amazing company with some amazing visions. They are a cruelty-free beauty brand, and their philosophy is that makeup is a "mood booster", and they want to create products that you can play with to "own your pretty", because "makeup is power". I love the idea that makeup is a confidence booster for women to find their beauty, instead of completely covering up what they have. Makeup is a beautiful way to play on our flaws and loved features and create a look that we feel confident in, which is what is most important. Let's dive into the products!

Chocolate Bar Palette

You guys know that I have always struggled with shadows. I didn't know what looked good on my skin tone, what shadows were supposed to go where, or how to apply them. I wanted to start with a simple palette that I could use every day. After seeing Tati and CoffeeBreakWithDani rave about this one, I decided to go into Sephora and check it out, and I ended up getting it. This palette is an awesome neutral palette with a couple pops of color (ie. Candied Violet, Cherry Cordial). These shadows are made with real cocoa powder, so they smell like a freshly made cup of hot chocolate! All the shadows are named after sweets, and the packaging looks like an actual chocolate bar, so cute! It is a thin, aluminum tin which opens and shuts very easily, has a huge mirror on the inside, along with the names of all the shadows. I am super happy with these shadows, their colors and formulas. It also came with a small sheet with a guide for three looks with the palette (which is super neat and helpful for beginners).

Milk Chocolate Soleil Bronzer

My fair skinned fellas out there know the feeling of finding a bronzer. It is so difficult to find a bronzer that doesn't turn out orange-y on fair skin tones. This bronzer is the exact solution. It is super light and perfect for blending out a contour and warming up a fair skin tone. I apply this to my cheeks, temples, and jawline with a giant fluffy brush after contouring. It smells like chocolate, which is amazing, and you get a ton of product. I've had this one for months and months, worn it every single day, and haven't even made a dent! If you don't have fair skin, they did come out with a Chocolate Soleil and a Dark Chocolate Soleil as well. And, look at this simple, beautiful packaging! 

Melted Liquid Lipstick in Berry

Liquid lippies is a department that I am very new in. You guys know that I love the Sephora Cream Lip Stains, and I did a review on them earlier this month. This is another liquid lippie fave. These lippies definitely aren't matte, they are more of a glossy finish, and the applicator is very different, this one has a felt tip. First of all, they smell like sweet candy! The color selection is bomb, and the formula is so long-wearing, creamy, and moisturizing. I am dying to get more colors!

Shadow Brush Trio

Since I struggled with shadow for so long, I thought that some eye brushes may be a necessary purchase. Awhile back, when Too Faced was having a huge sale, I purchased this trio shadow brush set, and it was probably the best beauty purchase I've ever made...yeah, bold statement, I know. I love brushes, but I am not one of those beauty lovers who is going to have a million of them. I like to grab what I know in the mornings. I don't see a reason to look down at my makeup drawer and say "hmm, which crease brush should I use today?" As long as you take good care of your brushes, they will last ages! One trusty brush for each thing is all I need. This set comes with a crease/blender brush, a lid/smoker, and a liner/smudger. These brushes are amazing. I love that they are cute and pink, they are so soft, and they came with a little pamphlet teaching beginners what each brush is for and how to use them.

Better Than Sex Mascara

When I first saw this mascara wand, I was thinking "I'm going to look like a raccoon, this wand is gigantic and ridiculous". And, I ended up falling in love with it. The wand's hourglass shape is awesome for including every single lash. One coat gives perfect, long, voluminous lashes. I wouldn't suggest using this mascara on bottom lashes because it is such a large wand, and it will just be a mess. I also wouldn't suggest more than one coat on upper lashes, or you may have a clumpy mess!

Hangover Rx Primer (silicone-free)

I've never liked primers, mostly because a large majority of them are silicone based. I hate the way silicone feels on my skin. It makes makeup finish amazingly, but it feels heavy, and it clogs the pores. I scouted out a silicone free primer, originally looking for the Tarte Clean Slate Primer when a Sephora employee recommended this Too Faced primer. I gave it a go and I will never try another primer! It is made with coconut water, a little goes such a long way, and the formula feels like a soft, moisturizing serum, I love it.

Have you tried anything from Too Faced Cosmetics? What are your favorite products? Are there any brands you've been loving lately?

Check out the video below for more on these products, a view on what the primer looks like being used, swatches of the chocolate bar palette, soleil bronzer, and liquid lipstick! 

Use code UNVEIL on the Too Faced website for 17% off items (excluding sale) and free $50+ shipping! P.S. Their shipping has always been super fast when I have ordered (1-2 day delivery to my home in Seattle). I am not affiliated with Too Faced or any brands. All of these items were purchased with my own money, all opinions are honest and my own.


  1. You convinced me! I wanna try some of these products!! Thank you gorgeous!

    1. Thank you for reading, beautiful! Can't wait to see what you end up trying :) Xo
